Sunday, April 29, 2018

On Friday the class was treated to a special guest, Dr. Robert Cowen. He gave a lecture on the rocky reefs and kelp beds fish use as habitats. After the lecture the class discussed two papers related to the English sole. These papers gave the relevant background information needed for the field trip Monday. Following the discussion about the papers the class worked to develop a testable hypothesis and methods. Data gathered from the field trip will be used to determine if there is a difference in size and population density among differing parts of the estuary. The remainder of the day was spent at the Oregon Coast Aquarium. At the aquarium the class was able to see many different fish species even those found in deeper regions of the sea. Each student picked a single sub tidal fish which they are using to complete a report on sub tidal fishes. The report gives the class practice for searching scientific literature to find facts on the ecology and history of a fish. Tomorrow the class will begin the trawling field trip.

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